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30 Best Clues to Help Determine Whether You've Been Abducted #2

30 Best Clues to Help Determine Whether You've Been Abducted #2
Finding Out Whether You've Been Abducted By Aliens - Clue 2 - The Theory of the Egg

Top 30 All Time Best Clues
To Help Determine
Whether You've Been Abducted
By Aliens

John Yonko


2.? The Egg Came First

Methodology: Self Awareness

Indicator Value:? ? Low? ? ? Medium ? ? ? High? ? ? ? Very High



In ancient Egyptian mythology, the Egg came first.? Image by John Yonko



a.? If you are surprised to find yourself developing fresh ways of looking at old questions, you may have been abducted by aliens;

b.? if you suddenly find yourself in agreement with the ancient Egyptian belief that the egg came first, and you've never been to Egypt, never owned a copy of The Mummy, and never seen Cleopatra's obelisk in Central Park, this may be a sign that you've been abducted by aliens.



One of the benefits of aging is the realization that you don't know everything, and never did know everything, and that you may in fact have been in error once or twice in the past.? This process is known as the advent of wisdom.? When wisdom reaches the level of conscious thought, it is often called an epiphany.? Unfortunately,? it is impossible to distinguish between an aging induced epiphany and an abduction induced epiphany.

The ability to decide between choices is a characteristic of leadership.? Belief that the egg came first may simply be an expression of leadership and by itself is therefore only minimally valid as an indicater of alien abduction.?




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