Top 30 All Time Best Clues To Help Determine Whether You've Been Abducted By Aliens John Yonko ? ? 1.? Schrodinger's Cat ? Illustration:? The Universe May Have Begun With A Cat and Mouse Collision In A Schrodinger Box - by John Yonko
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Methodologies: Self Awareness;? Sudden or Surprising Technical Knowledge Indicator Value:? Low ? ? Medium? ? ? High? ? ? Very High ? Pro? a.? If you've suddenly taken an interest in math, science, probability theory and the Copenhagen Interpretation, you may have been abducted by aliens; b. If you suddenly find yourself believing that Schrodinger's Cat was a major player in the formation of the Universe, and you've never met Erwin Schrodinger or seen his cat,? there is a probability you've been abducted by aliens - recently; c. If you find yourself behaving like a quantum physicist, obsessively predicting that something may or may not happen at an uncertain time,? you may or may not have been abducted by aliens from this universe, or, if not this one, then perhaps an alternate universe. d.? If you suddenly find that you are confiding to friends the idea that a mouse traveling at high speed was at least in part a cause of the 'Big Bang', you're a good candidate for 'Explanation by Alien Abduction'. ? ? Con Counter Indication:? If you find humor in Einstein's suggestion that Schrodinger should have placed an explosive device inside the box within which Schrodinger's Cat spent its entire life, then it is unlikely that you have been abducted. ? ?
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